
expédition et pour l'information internationale

Nous nous transportons dans le monde entier, dans tous les pays sans restriction.




Express Mail International


Express Mail International (EMI) can be tracked and confirmed.

All orders over $150 sent outside the USA must go via EMI
The order is guaranteed to arrive and can be tracked.



First Class / Global Priority


First Class / Global Priority CANNOT be tracked or confirmed.

Orders under $150 sent outside the USA may go 1st Class / GP
The package is NOT guaranteed to arrive and CANNOT be tracked.



Customers choosing 1st Class / GP must accept liability


1. Customers choosing 1st Class / GP must release Best Form from all liability and accept responsibility in the event the package is not received.

2. Customers choosing 1st Class / GP must agree not to make further inquiries on the order’s whereabouts once the package is mailed since Best Form will have no further information.


Low Risk

Moderate Risk

Super High Risk



Eastern Europe





Hong Kong


New Zealand


South Africa

Scandinavian Countries


South America




United Kingdom



*Note- Apartment complexes / Multi-unit dwellings can be risky in any country and we’ve had a couple problems with them in Ontario Canada.

Low Risk category customers should be fine with 1st Class / GP but remember Best Form isn’t liable. Super High Risk countries such as Spain, Italy, and South Africa have about a 50/50 chance at best with 1st Class / GP. We emphatically urge customers in High Risk countries to have even small orders sent via EMI.

Important: The USPS lists the Customs Form numbers under the “Tracking Number” columns for 1st Class / GP so please don’t be confused.


Minimum Shipping Costs




 First Class / Global Priority

Express Mail International




Other Countries




*Tip- You can reduce the per item cost by ordering more than one item. We squeeze as much into Flat Rate Envelopes as possible. Usually four or five tank tops or two to three t-shirts will fit.

Please refer to the International Postage Rate Calculator Approximate weights: Tanks- 7 ounces, Tees- 10 ounces, Sweatshirts 1.5 lbs., Baggy Pants 1 lb. 3 ounces, Shoes 3 lbs.


We also ship in the United States:


For USA Shipping information click here



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